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联系人:公经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0539-4835385
手 机:15898799886




    确保养分供应,提高产毛量 高产长毛兔对饲料特别是蛋白质的数量要求很高。据测定,1公斤兔毛蛋白质的含量约相当于4.5千克的胴体或6~7千克体重的蛋白质含量。在规模化长毛兔场,应根据时节、生理状况、产毛量水对等影响产毛量的许多要素制造相应的全价日粮,*采用全价颗粒饲料,实行自在采食和主动饮水。抱负的高产长毛兔日粮中粗蛋白质水平为16%~18%,含硫氨基酸07%~0.8%,并添加产毛、成长、繁衍的专用添加剂。在涣散养殖户,可采纳青绿多汁饲料自在采食,适当弥补精料的方法,每天供应80~100克的精料弥补料,切忌单喂青粗饲料。

To ensure nutrient supply and increase wool yield, the yield of high yield long wool rabbit is very high for feed, especially for protein. According to the determination of protein content of 1 kg of rabbit hair protein equivalent to about 4.5 kg or 6~7 kg carcass weight. In the large-scale hairy rabbit farm, the corresponding full price diet should be made according to the time, the physiological condition and the peer-to-peer factors affecting the yield of wool. It is best to adopt the full price grain feed and carry out the free feeding and active drinking water. The dietary protein level of aspiring long hair rabbit is 16% to 18%, sulfur amino acid 07% to 0.8%, and a special additive for wool production, growth and reproduction is added. In the lax farmers, we can adopt the green and juicy feed to eat freely, make up the method of fine material properly, supply 80~100 grams of material to make up the material every day, and avoid the single feed

公经理 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0539-4835385
传  真: 0539-4835385
移动电话: 15898799886
公司地址: 中国山东济南市山东省蒙阴县城城云蒙路人和缘大酒店对过
邮  编: 257000
公司主页: http://changmaotu.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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临沂秀山美地农业发展有限公司 公司地址:中国山东济南市山东省蒙阴县城城云蒙路人和缘大酒店对过
公经理 先生 (经理) 电话:0539-4835385 传真:0539-4835385
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